Warmcat homepage andy@warmcat.com
{"schema":"libjg2-1", "vpath":"/git/", "avatar":"/git/avatar/", "alang":"", "gen_ut":1714020504, "reponame":"aepd", "desc":"ARM Energy Probe daemon", "owner": { "name": "Andy Green", "email": "andy@warmcat.com", "md5": "c50933ca2aa61e0fe2c43d46bb6b59cb" },"url":"https://warmcat.com/repo/aepd", "f":3, "items": [ { "schema":"libjg2-1", "oid":{ "oid": "dfce92c9a1d1fc9b7539c5ed9d2224c756ffeed3", "alias": [ "refs/heads/master"]},"tree": [ { "name": "aepd","mode": "16384", "size":0}, { "name": "arm-probe","mode": "16384", "size":0}, { "name": "libarmep","mode": "16384", "size":0}, { "name": ".gitignore","mode": "33188", "size":401}, { "name": "LICENSE","mode": "33188", "size":18092}, { "name": "Makefile.am","mode": "33188", "size":35}, { "name": "README","mode": "33188", "size":1781}, { "name": "arm-energy-probe-101.pdf","mode": "33188", "size":3590647}, { "name": "autogen.sh","mode": "33261", "size":47386}, { "name": "config","mode": "33188", "size":236}, { "name": "configure.ac","mode": "33188", "size":895}, { "name": "set-aep-serial.sh","mode": "33261", "size":1010}],"s":{"c":1714020504,"u": 38770}} ,{"schema":"libjg2-1", "cid":"e0761ac4dfc21f8d18f1b3e04622e5ac", "oid":{ "oid": "dfce92c9a1d1fc9b7539c5ed9d2224c756ffeed3", "alias": [ "refs/heads/master"]},"blobname": "README", "blob": "Building notes\n2013-05-06 Andy Green \u003candy.green@linaro.org\u003e\n\nThese sources are GPL2, you can find them here\n\nhttp://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p\u003dtools/arm-probe.git;a\u003dsummary\n\n\nThis probject uses GNU autotools.\n\nMake sure you have \n\n - libtool\n - automake\n - autoconf\n\npackages installed.\n\nTo build the websockets-based daemon, you will need to build libwebsockets,\nbuilt and installed on your box, which you can get from here\n\ngit://git.libwebsockets.org/libwebsockets\n\nIt uses CMake, see README.build in that project for examples of how to\nconfigure, build and install.\n\n\nAfter building and installing libwebsocket, to initially configure arm-probe\nsources for your system, or if you change the autotools-related content:\n\n - ./autogen.sh\n - ./configure\n\nYou might want to use \u0022./configure --prefix\u003d/usr\u0022, which will later install\nthe built libraries and apps in /usr/bin, /usr/lib etc instead of the\ndefault /usr/local/... If you want to do that, notice that on 64-bit systems\n(eg, on Fedora...) you will also need to give --libdir\u003d/usr/lib64 which is\notherwise taken care of automatically.\n\nafterwards, you can make as usual with\n\n - make\n - sudo make install\n\nfrom the top level.\n\n\n* libarmep is a library wrapping all of the access and protocol complexity\n of dealing with one or more arm energy probes\n\n* arm-probe is the commandline utilty for the arm probes which issues\n output on stdout and adds columns on to stdin if anything is piped\n there. The tabbed ascii format is compatible with gnuplot. Actually\n the code for this is very small since libarmep copes with the dirty\n business.\n\n* aepd provides the realtime HTML5 web interface part, run aepd and open\n a chrome browser window to http://localhost:15164 for a realtime scope-\n type display\n\n","s":{"c":1714020504,"u": 220}} ],"g": 40308,"chitpc": 0,"ehitpc": 0,"indexed":0 , "ab": 1, "si": 0, "db":0, "di":1, "sat":0, "lfc": "0000"}