LPC3250 from scratch
NXP's new LPC32x0 is a very cheap and feature-filled ARM926. According to Digikey anyway, it's the cheapest ARM chip with at least v5 instruction set that's going. That's important not just because of the extra processor strength over older ARM9 core, but because ARM Fedora is built requiring armv5 or newer instruction set. Being able to use ARM Fedora and RPM as a basis means freedom from compromise and having to own the building of an integrated, self-consistent rootfs; you can just focus on doing your specialized code on top using the reliable Fedora quality basis.
There are four chips in the series, they differ in having an LCD controller and Ethernet MAC or not; also the smallest guy LPC3220 has "only" 128KBytes of Static IRAM and the others 256KBytes. Well, having worked with the 2KBytes of internal static RAM on the iMX31 for SD boot on Qi, having to shoehorn an SD card driver in there, even 128KBytes is crazy amounts.
They have support for resistive touchscreen, USB OTG, NAND controller and Mobile DDR, and up to 266MHz CPU clock at 1.4V Vcore (208MHz at 1.2V Vcore but as we will see that is not entirely true). They don't support SD Card boot from ROM, but that can be solved for about US$0.30 as will be shown.
In short they're ready to do some serious embedded work at a budget price.
Embedded Artists EA3250 Dev kit

There are a few dev kits around for LPC32x0, Hitex have a
cheap USB stick format one that has been permanently two weeks away from availability since I first looked at it a month or so ago, and it still is two weeks away.
NXP anoited two real dev boards they evidently worked with the vendors for during development, they don't actually make an NXP branded dev board, it's Phytec and Embedded Artists. Since the EA one is in Digikey, that's what I ended up with.
The dev board is well made but there are some problems with it: like many dev boards it comes in two halves, a cheaper, large breakout board and a 8-layer DIMM type board that has the actual CPU BGA and memory. In an act of supreme lunk-headedness, the large breakout board re-uses the Pn.m nomenclature that the CPU uses for GPIO, with no care to retain the CPU mapping. So for example a header is marked with having a pin P1.27, very confusingly this is nothing to do with the CPU GPIO P1.27. This is also true in the schemtatics for the baseboard and CPU board, complete confusion trying to trace a signal between the two boards or looking for a misnamed signal on the baseboard.
DDR trouble #1
There's also a more serious problem, the DDR on the CPU card is marginal and Embedded Artists have made a recall where they will replace the board with one with a different DDR DRAM for free. The CPU board I got was affected but not at room temperature; they want the old card sending back and I am not finished with it yet, so I will take advantage of this recall later.
DDR trouble #2
There's another problem with DDR, NXP issued an errata confessing their inverted signal for the differential DDR clock is skewed by no less than 1.2ns from the uninverted partner of the differential pair, a huge skew. This issue removes a lot of comfort zone from designing with DDR and means only some memory devices will tolerate it. However in the EA board case, they have not used the workaround suggested by NXP which is to nuke the inverted output entirely and make the clock unipolar, so the situation can't be that bad.
DDR trouble #3
The last problem with DDR... operation at 208MHz with 1.2V Vcore is fine for the CPU, in fact while screwing with the PLL I had the CPU running fine at 400MHz, although there is no way to divide anything useful down for the memory clock at that speed and it's illegal for the PLL over temperature, which tops out at 320MHz. However at 1.2V and 208MHz, the CPU side of the DDR bus is unreliable: it requires cranking to 1.4V to operate DDR even at 104/208MHz. That's annoying because since 1.2V is needed anyway for other circuitry, it could have saved a regulator.
Unbrickability of LPC32x0
LPC32x0 chips feature UART-based bootloader injection... if you pull down the SERVICE_N pin, then next boot the ROM in the CPU will bring up UART5 at 115200 n81 and issue a simple protocol byte allowing for bootloader download.
Since I couldn't find a Linux tool for injecting bootloaders, just a Windows one, I wrote a commandline tool for it and added it to Qi build.
No matter how broken your nonvolatile image gets, it's still possible to recover the device via this UART scheme with a USB <-> LVTTL serial cable.
Bootloader Hell
The LPC32x0 bootloader situation is ugly. Basically NXP provided a huge suite used for chip verification called CDL ("common driver library"), this is a sort of chopped down OS in bootloader form. It has all kinds of functions to drive the chip peripherals and test memory, but nothing to actually boot Linux!
What EA shipped, and what you are meant to do as a system integrator, is get an implementation of CDL in the form of "S1L" -- stage one bootloader -- to load U-Boot, which will then load Linux. Both U-Boot and S1L -- itself like 130KBytes! -- store "state" on the board. It leads to this insane situation that two bootloaders with two kinds of state must be right in order to boot. Things are further complicated that SPI boot only allows the first 56KBytes to be loaded by ROM into IRAM and executed, but the bloated bootloaders are too big to do this in one step.
Bootloader Heaven
I added support for LPC32x0 to Qi last week, this is a single < 30KBytes image that can boot itself from SPI Flash or UART 5 injection and pull Linux from SD Card in VFAT partition or also via SPI Flash. Boot from cold, with Qi and Kernel in SPI Flash to Fedora 12 bash prompt is less than 4 seconds.
This replaces both S1L and U-Boot, and in accordance with Qi philosophy it holds no state at all on the device.
Its strategy is if it finds that it is running via injection on UART5, it copies itself into SPI Flash / EEPROM so it will run next boot from there, and if it finds an SD Card kernel image it will also copy that into SPI Flash.
When it finds it is running from a non-injection source, ie, a normal boot from SPI Flash, it favours any kernel it can find on the first, VFAT, partition of an SD Card if found, otherwise it boots from the kernel also in SPI Flash.
This is why the lack of ROM -> SD Card boot is not critical, the cheapest, smallest SPI EEPROM can be used to contain Qi, which will then load the kernel and rootfs from SD Card if that's what's needed as during development. If SD Card is overkill for the job, then Qi, Kernel and initrd can all be pushed into a single US$2 32MBit SPI Flash.
Since I only have the Embedded Artists board right now it wants to see a kernel image called k-ea3250.img on the SD Card; the way Qi works you add a new file for each supported board in ./src/cpu/lpc32x0/ copied from embart-steppingstone.c in that directory; the bootloaders need some way to identify what they're running on at runtime since there is only a single image per cpu that supports all devices. See
http://git.warmcat.com/cgi-bin/cgit/qi/tree/src/cpu/lpc32x0/embart-steppingstone.c?h=lpc for an idea of what's involved to support a new board in the bootloader image.